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Steve Job’s Biography

Steve Job’s Biography
The Illustrated Biography of Steve Jobs is part of the Bio Storybook series from the Korean publisher Doo Doo Story. It chronicles important milestones in Steve Jobs' life and the path he took to create Apple and launch the first iPhone. The book is aimed at children between the ages of 4 and 6.

Biografía Steve Jobs
La Biografía ilustrada de Steve Jobs forma parte de Bio Storybook series de la editorial Coreana Doo Doo Story. Relata los hitos importantes en la vida de Steve Jobs y el camino que recorrió para crear Apple y lanzar el primer iPhone. El libro está dirigido a niños y niñas entre 4 y 6 años.
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Steve Job’s Biography


Steve Job’s Biography

Steve Job’s Biography The Illustrated Biography of Steve Jobs is part of the Bio Storybook series from the Korean publisher Doo Doo Story. It ch Read More
